Artikel Competitors or Partners? How Germany and the UAE Can Cooperate on Stabilization The UAE’s and Germany’s approaches towards stabilization are fundamentally different in their relation to national authorities, non-state actors, and multilateral cooperation. Nevertheless, cooperation can be furthered in specific key areas where common interests prevail, such as police training and demining activities in Afghanistan and Yemen. Eleonora Ardemagni • 23 March 2021
Artikel Unpacking the EU’s New Sahel Strategy The European Union has just released its new Sahel strategy. The strategy’s focus on governance as the core problem in the region is a success. Going forward, the EU needs to fill its governance talk with meaning, especially with regard to the contribution of civil society, fighting impunity, and a more nuanced understanding of the role that security forces play. Delina Goxho • 22 April 2021