artikel Fünf Jahre PeaceLab weitergedacht – Zeit für Neues! Vieles geht voran in der Krisenprävention, Konfliktbewältigung und Friedensförderung. Doch manche Gräben bleiben schwer zu überwinden. Das Redaktionsteam zieht Bilanz nach fünf Jahren PeaceLab, einem Projekt, in dem Forschung und Praxis über Silos und Sektoren hinweg Frieden und Sicherheit weiterdenken konnten. Sarah Bressan, Julia Friedrich, Philipp Rotmann, Sofie Lilli Stoffel, Marie Wagner • 01.07.2021
artikel Die Zukunft von Krisenprävention und Friedensförderung: Im Wahlkampf nichts Neues? In ihren Wahlprogrammen erklären die Parteien ihre Grundpositionen zum deutschen Krisenengagement und Vorschläge für strukturelle Veränderungen in Partnerländern, bleiben aber häufig vage. Konsens und Differenzen zu zivilen Instrumenten, vernetztem Ansatz und Rüstungsexporten könnten einen spannenden Wahlkampf versprechen – wenn sich die Parteien in Debatten klarer positionieren. Raphael Bodewig • 30.06.2021
artikel Crisis Early Warning: Berlin’s Path From Foresight to Prevention Combining crisis early warning and prevention could help Germany become a more strategic international actor. Regardless of whether Berlin reforms its national security architecture, the government should link forward-looking risk and resilience analyses with structures for meaningful political decision-making to fulfil its commitment towards preventive engagement. Sarah Bressan • 29.06.2021
artikel Russia’s Play in African Security Russia is increasingly pursuing its economic and political interests on the African continent using both official and unofficial means. This threatens to destabilize the countries in question. International actors should recognize and effectively counter Russia’s policies by supporting strong institutions, as well as small and medium businesses and independent media. Elor Nkereuwem • 09.06.2021
artikel Inside Sudan’s Transitions: More Targeted Engagement Needed Sudan is undergoing several transitions, from the political level to shifting UN missions, while economic challenges remain. The German government should re-evaluate its engagement to support a peaceful process and prioritise its support for economic growth. Following the revolution’s example, successful approaches must involve marginalised populations including women. Kholood Khair • 19.05.2021
artikel States and Non-State Armed Groups: Time to Engage States are reluctant to engage non-state armed groups for fear of legitimizing them, and instead often label them as ‘terrorists.’ This is counterproductive as engaging these groups is crucial for the protection of civilians. To incentivize their compliance with international norms, Germany should use peace negotiations as windows of opportunity for engagement without recognition. Annyssa Bellal • 18.05.2021
artikel S3E6 | The EU’s Policies on Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding in Africa For this episode of PeacebyPeace, Sarah Brockmeier spoke to Professor Gilbert M. Khadiagala of the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg about his views on EU policies on conflict prevention, stabilization, and peacebuilding in Africa. PeacebyPeace • 23.11.2020
podcast S3E4+5 | Deutschland & Friedensmediation: Zwischen Methodik, Macht und Politik In zwei Folgen des PeacebyPeace-Podcast diskutiert Sarah Brockmeier Deutschlands Rolle in der Friedensmediation mit Staatsminister Niels Annen (Auswärtiges Amt) sowie den Mediationsexpert*innen Dr. Anne Holper, Julia von Dobeneck und Prof. Dr. Lars Kirchhoff vom Center for Peace Mediation der Europa-Universität Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder). PeacebyPeace • 29.10.2020
artikel Protecting the Amazon by Empowering Its Women Climate change and environmental crime endanger food, health, and economic security in the Amazon region. This disproportionately affects women who play an important role in agricultural production, yet are excluded from resource governance. Germany should support community-based initiatives and include climate security when implementing the Women, Peace and Security agenda. Maiara Folly, Adriana Erthal Abdenur • 17.02.2021
artikel The Responsibility to Prepare and Prevent: A Framework for Action to Manage Climate-Linked Conflict Climate change comes with a range of security risks. However, with the right preparation, they can be managed and mitigated. Germany should push for the implementation of the Responsibility to Prepare and Prevent framework by promoting the institutionalization and harmonization of risk assessments, as well as better coordination between climate and security governance. Erin Sikorsky • 08.02.2021
Eine Debatte der bundesregierung Sicherheitssektorreform Ideen für eine Strategie der Bundesregierung
Eine Debatte der bundesregierung Corona-Pandemie Wie müssen sich Krisenprävention und Friedensförderung anpassen?