Artikel Security Assistance and Reform: Bringing the Politics Back In Whether the goal is “just” to professionalize or “even” to reform security institutions, security assistance and security sector reform are both about the allocation of power over the instruments of violence. External supporters can only succeed if they can integrate their projects into a broader strategy for political engagement with partner countries. Philipp Rotmann • 20 July 2018
Artikel Managing the Risks of Stabilization: Germany’s New Assessment Tool Investing money to prevent crises, support stabilization, and build peace carries major risks. Taking such risks is necessary to achieve anything, but they need to be professionally managed. How does the German government’s new “stabilization risk assessment” tool compare to other approaches, and what may other actors learn from it? Philipp Rotmann • 12 January 2021
Artikel Fünf Jahre PeaceLab weitergedacht – Zeit für Neues! Vieles geht voran in der Krisenprävention, Konfliktbewältigung und Friedensförderung. Doch manche Gräben bleiben schwer zu überwinden. Das Redaktionsteam zieht Bilanz nach fünf Jahren PeaceLab, einem Projekt, in dem Forschung und Praxis über Silos und Sektoren hinweg Frieden und Sicherheit weiterdenken konnten. Sarah Bressan, Julia Friedrich, Philipp Rotmann, Sofie Lilli Stoffel, Marie Wagner • 01. Juli 2021