Artikel Defence and Deterrence in Europe: Beyond Multilateralism as We Know It Multilateralism has reached its limits as a guiding principle for relations with Russia in security and defence. Germany should open up to multilateral military cooperation formats in addition to NATO to reinforce deterrence and defence on the eastern flank and to strengthen regional security. This requires an increase in defence spending and in military engagement. Justyna Gotkowska • 26 November 2020
Artikel Multilateralism Needs Reinventing, Not Resurrecting The multilateralism of the second half of the 20th century has become outdated, and no viable alternative has been found. Instead of trying to go back to old principles, governments should reinvent a multilateralism that is viable under current conditions: a project-based multilateralism that is inclusive to non-state actors, with shared values as a goal, not a precondition. Andrey Kortunov • 07 December 2020
Artikel Ukraine: Reintegration von Veteran*innen für sozialen Frieden Die Reintegration von Veteran*innen des andauernden militärischen Konfliktes in der Ukraine ist zentral für die langfristige Konfliktbearbeitung und die Stärkung des gesellschaftlichen Friedens. Die Bundesregierung sollte die Unterstützung von ex-Kombattant*innen in ihr Konfliktengagement einschließen und Projekte für den sozialen Zusammenhalt fördern. Julia Friedrich • 31. Mai 2021
Artikel Russia’s Play in African Security Russia is increasingly pursuing its economic and political interests on the African continent using both official and unofficial means. This threatens to destabilize the countries in question. International actors should recognize and effectively counter Russia’s policies by supporting strong institutions, as well as small and medium businesses and independent media. Elor Nkereuwem • 09 June 2021