Artikel Protecting Multilateralism Against Anti-Globalists: The Case of Brazil Nationalist leaders like Brazil’s Bolsonaro who attack multilateralism for electoral gain at home still largely get away with it as they face little negative repercussions. Europe and Germany should make trade agreements and accession to the OECD conditional on more responsible and multilateral policies and target local elites with diplomatic pressure campaigns. Oliver Stuenkel • 05 November 2020
Artikel Klimawandel, Migration und Menschliche Sicherheit in Peru: Deutschland sollte Forschung zu Lösungsansätzen fördern Wasserknappheit und Überflutungen führen in Peru bereits jetzt zu Verarmung, Binnenmigration und Menschlicher Unsicherheit. Um die Verschärfung und Entstehung neuer Konflikte zu verhindern und evidenzbasierte Lösungsstrategien voranzutreiben, sollte Berlin Forschung für Maßnahmen zur Klimaanpassung und Krisenprävention unterstützen. Jonas Bergmann • 01. Februar 2021
Artikel Protecting the Amazon by Empowering Its Women Climate change and environmental crime endanger food, health, and economic security in the Amazon region. This disproportionately affects women who play an important role in agricultural production, yet are excluded from resource governance. Germany should support community-based initiatives and include climate security when implementing the Women, Peace and Security agenda. Maiara Folly, Adriana Erthal Abdenur • 17 February 2021
Artikel Putting Protection First: Countering Forced Recruitment at the Colombian-Venezuelan Border A complex web of intersecting vulnerabilities in the Colombian-Venezuelan border region leaves children at risk of forced recruitment and exploitation by non-state armed groups. Germany should support community groups that engage with young girls, ensure the protection of teachers and exercise diplomatic pressure on Colombia to fully implement its existing peace agreement. Katherine Carrillo, Juliana Poveda • 05 May 2021