Artikel Use Connectivity to Strengthen Multilateral Cooperation in the EU’s Neighbourhood To strengthen multilateralism in their own neighbourhood, Germany and the EU should pursue connectivity strategies with their Eastern and Southern neighbours. These could create the links between the EU’s neighbours that previous partnership agreements have failed to establish. They should include political and security dimensions for states to feel connected to the EU in a political sense. Sven Biscop • 15 September 2020
Artikel Gemeinsame Vorausschau: Instrument für multilaterales Handeln Ziel des von Deutschland favorisierten Multilateralismus ist es, die negativen Externalitäten einer vernetzten Welt durch die Kooperation mit verlässlichen Partnern einzuhegen und Politik proaktiv zu gestalten. Gemeinsame Vorausschau kann dabei helfen, Krisen wie auch Chancen frühzeitig zu erkennen und entsprechend zu handeln. Die „Allianz für den Multilateralismus“ sollte diese innovative Methode nutzen. Lars Brozus • 28. September 2020
Artikel An Opportunity for Germany to Lead a Global Multilateralism Reset To pursue their vision of a rules-based international order, Germany and the EU should increase their cooperation with African countries and the AU, as the continent is deeply invested in multilateralism. In doing so, Germany, the EU and African partners should focus on peace and security, democracy, economic development and climate emergencies. Ottilia Anna Maunganidze • 12 October 2020
Artikel Mächtig, moralisch, multilateral – Deutschlands schwierige Partnerwahl Unilaterale und illiberale Bestrebungen setzen die „liberale internationale Ordnung“ unter Druck. Um diese zu revitalisieren, sollte die Bundesregierung im Rahmen einer „Allianz für den Multilateralismus“ ihre Partner je nach Problemlage sorgfältig auswählen. Das Weißbuch kann hierzu einen wichtigen Beitrag leisten, indem es Macht, Moral und Multilateralismus zusammendenkt und die richtigen Prioritäten setzt. Tim Heinkelmann-Wild • 03. November 2020
Artikel Expectations from Norway for Germany’s Role in the Multilateral “Wende” For its new White Paper on multilateralism, Germany can learn from Norway’s experiences. The White Paper should reach out to a wide audience, aim for cross-regional partnerships, include an honest picture of limitations, and encourage reforms of existing organisations rather than developing new mechanisms. Cooperation within the EU and promoting liberal values should be at its core. Kjetil Elsebutangen • 19 November 2020
Artikel Multilateralism Needs Reinventing, Not Resurrecting The multilateralism of the second half of the 20th century has become outdated, and no viable alternative has been found. Instead of trying to go back to old principles, governments should reinvent a multilateralism that is viable under current conditions: a project-based multilateralism that is inclusive to non-state actors, with shared values as a goal, not a precondition. Andrey Kortunov • 07 December 2020
Artikel A Cooperative Brand of Sovereignty for Multilateralism In its new White Paper, Germany should promote a cooperative brand of sovereignty, support multi-stakeholder approaches, and strengthen the EU’s role in the multilateral system. As multilateralism is an instrument shaping the global order, Berlin should push for reforms on the climate crisis and security, and seize the COVID-19 crisis as an opportunity to forge a new global consensus. Manuel Lafont Rapnouil • 14 December 2020
Artikel Multilateralism: A View From Poland If multilateralism is in crisis today, it is because individual states turn away from it. Democracies should do their part to mitigate this by defending the values intrinsic to multilateralism. To make its White Paper a success, Germany should pursue new formats of multilateral cooperation across continents and sectors, and tap into the potential of existing ones. Maciej Pisarski • 17 December 2020
Artikel Wandel im humanitären System durch die Corona-Pandemie? Um auf die auch durch die Corona-Pandemie gestiegenen Bedarfe zu reagieren, sollten internationale humanitäre Akteure Lokalisierung durch das Abgeben von Verantwortung an lokale Akteur*innen vorantreiben, Netzwerke stärken und humanitäre Prinzipien reflektieren. Die Bundesregierung sollte als wichtige humanitäre Geberin für einen Systemwandel einstehen. Andrea Steinke • 13. Januar 2021
Artikel Renewing Multilateralism by Protecting the Planet: Achieving Two Global Goals in One Fell Swoop Protecting the planet depends on international cooperation – but the environmental regime also contributes to the progress of multilateral governance. Germany should use this synergy effect to promote multilateralism by investing in negotiations to expand ecological approaches among trade partners and building up regional cooperation based on shared environmental commons. Lucien Chabason, Sébastien Treyer • 28 January 2021
Artikel Vectors of Violence: Climate Change and Security in South Asia In South Asia, where rising sea levels and drought permanently destroy livelihoods, internal displacement increases. To prevent a growth of extremist armed groups and a surge of violence, the EU and Germany should strengthen their support for disaster preparedness in the region, tap into their experience with transregional approaches, and fund research for adaption measures. Omair Ahmad • 24 March 2021
Artikel Deutsch-französische Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik: Kleine Schritte statt großer Gesten Trotz enger Abstimmung auf dem Papier ist die deutsch-französische Zusammenarbeit in der Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik in der Praxis von Vorurteilen und Missverständnissen geprägt. Die nächste Bundesregierung sollte sich für eine gemeinsame Arbeitskultur einsetzen und statt auf ritualisierte Würdigungen auf praktische Schritte hin zu einer besseren Kooperation setzen. Jacob Ross • 27. Mai 2021
Artikel Too Little Coordination, Too Much Charity: EU Support for China’s Peacebuilding China’s recent expansion of peacebuilding activities, for example in South Sudan, addresses governmental rather than civil society actors. To ensure that all parts of society, including refugees, are reached, the EU should cooperate with China on peacebuilding measures and promote a more coherent approach of the country’s fragmented landscape with multiple actors. Miwa Hirono • 03 June 2021
Artikel Linking National and Human Security: Germany Finds Its Voice in SSR Following its growing engagement in reforming security sectors in partner countries, Germany is increasingly shaping international dialogue on SSR. Sharing its own experiences on civil protection and security sector administration with national partners can be a way for Germany to pursue its stabilization interests while promoting a value-based human security approach to SSR. Viola Csordas • 10 June 2021