Artikel Better Early than Sorry: How the EU Can Use its Early Warning Capacities to their Full Potential The European Union has put instruments and tools in place to improve its early warning mechanisms. Member states must now work with EU institutions to make them more effective. One concrete step that Germany could take is to push the new EU leadership to regularly put countries ‘at risk’ on the agenda of the Foreign Affairs Council. Lisa Musiol • 09 October 2019
Artikel Äthiopien: Wie Deutschland den Frieden des Nobelpreisträgers unterstützen kann Der Friedensnobelpreis für den äthiopischen Premier ist ein wichtiges Zeichen. Doch der demokratische Wandel des Landes ist fragil und hat einen ungewissen Ausgang. Die Bundesregierung möchte diesen Wandel zwar unterstützen, bleibt aber einfallslos. Dabei könnte sie innovative Maßnahmen initiieren wie eine Süd-Süd-Kooperation zur Vorbereitung der ersten freien Wahlen Äthiopiens. Bilal Bağ • 31. Oktober 2019
Artikel Strengthening Conflict Prevention: An Agenda for Germany’s EU Presidency During its EU Council presidency, Germany should boost the EU’s attention to conflict prevention. Berlin should share its own lessons on getting better at preventing violent conflicts, promote more exchange between thematic experts on conflict prevention and country experts, and encourage more adequate human resources arrangements across the EU. Anna Penfrat • 10 December 2019
Artikel Vom Münchner zum Berliner Konsens: Endlich Klartext reden! Die Berliner Politik spricht viel zu wenig über Außenpolitik und Krisenprävention. Das liegt auch daran, dass Bevölkerungsumfragen ein geringes Interesse von Bürger*innen für ein stärkeres außenpolitisches Engagement Deutschlands zeigen. Hier muss die Bundesregierung jetzt Klartext reden – angefangen mit der Bundeskanzlerin. Nora Müller • 16. Dezember 2019
Artikel The Art of Crisis Prevention: Maritime Security in the Red Sea & the Gulf of Aden At this year’s Munich Security Conference, a special PeaceLab is taking place for the second time: a diplomatic table top exercise during which participants are invited to test different strategies for regional and international actors to work together on maritime security in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden. PeaceLab editorial team • 14 February 2020
Artikel Männlichkeitsbilder wandeln heißt Krisen vorbeugen Zwanzig Jahre nach Verabschiedung der UN-Resolution 1325 bleibt die Women, Peace and Security-Agenda einer einseitigen Auffassung von „Gender“ verhaftet. Die Bundesregierung sollte im neuen Nationalen Aktionsplan die Transformation von gewaltbasierten zu friedvollen Formen von Männlichkeit priorisieren und langfristig eine Gender, Peace and Security-Agenda anstreben. Maximilian Kiefer • 06. Mai 2020
Interview #RealityCheck 1: Peacebuilding Efforts by Never Again Rwanda In a new series on the PeaceLab blog, we publish brief interviews with peacebuilding practitioners about how COVID-19 has affected their work. In this first interview, Dr. Joseph Ryarasa Nkurunziza, Executive Director of the non-governmental organization “Never Again Rwanda” (NAR) describes their work, how they had to adapt to the pandemic and what kind of support is needed from external actors. Joseph Ryarasa Nkurunziza • 11 May 2020
Artikel It’s Not Just About Health: Four Lessons From Ebola for the COVID-19 Response in Conflict-Affected Countries COVID-19 is not the first health crisis to hit conflict-affected countries: Germany can learn valuable lessons from Search for Common Ground’s response to Ebola epidemics. Berlin should support civil society in violence prevention and trust-building measures, provide adequate training for security actors, and ensure the meaningful inclusion of local communities. Charline Burton, Eoin O’Leary • 19 May 2020
Artikel COVID-19 im südlichen und westlichen Afrika: Zeit für Krisenprävention Fragile Staaten außerhalb des sogenannten afrikanischen Krisenbogens erhalten in Zeiten von COVID-19 noch weniger Aufmerksamkeit. Dabei ist gerade jetzt die Krisenprävention im südlichen und westlichen Afrika wichtig. Die Bundesregierung sollte dafür mehr Mittel zur Verfügung stellen, einen Schuldenerlass unterstützen und gezielt regionale Kooperation fördern. Melanie Müller, Judith Vorrath • 29. Juni 2020
Artikel Girls, Peace and Security – The Key for Sustainable Change The next German National Action Plan on the Women, Peace and Security agenda should put a strong emphasis on the needs and rights of girls and young women. The German government could invest more in their education, scale up investments in their meaningful inclusion in peacebuilding, and promote a systematic integration of a gender and child rights perspective into programming. Regev Ben Jacob, Michiko Fukase, Susanne Hassel, Daniel Ziegler • 15 July 2020
Artikel S3E6 | The EU’s Policies on Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding in Africa For this episode of PeacebyPeace, Sarah Brockmeier spoke to Professor Gilbert M. Khadiagala of the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg about his views on EU policies on conflict prevention, stabilization, and peacebuilding in Africa. PeacebyPeace • 23 November 2020
Artikel Managing the Risks of Stabilization: Germany’s New Assessment Tool Investing money to prevent crises, support stabilization, and build peace carries major risks. Taking such risks is necessary to achieve anything, but they need to be professionally managed. How does the German government’s new “stabilization risk assessment” tool compare to other approaches, and what may other actors learn from it? Philipp Rotmann • 12 January 2021
Artikel The Path to a German National Security Council Greater coherence and strategic capability are crucial for the success of future German foreign and security policy. This year’s coalition negotiations provide a unique opportunity to readjust Germany’s national security architecture. But to succeed, all relevant parties will need to be clear on what they want to change – and how to change it. Sarah Brockmeier • 20 May 2021
Artikel Ready to Lead? Three Early Signs Germany’s Next Government Is Serious Germany is one of the largest contributors to international crisis management, yet its actions are often slow and overcautious. How seriously will the next government commit to a leadership role? The administration, politicians, and civil society would have to learn some hard lessons. Three signs will provide early indication of the intent and ability to deliver. Ekkehard Brose • 02 June 2021
Artikel EU-Africa Relations: Refocusing the Peace and Security Cooperation The next EU-Africa leaders’ summit could be a turning point for EU-Africa relations – if the EU makes serious efforts for a more equal partnership. Beyond mere promises, Brussels should sustain eye-level dialogue and support building a partnership management infrastructure within the AU. Moreover, the EU should enhance its engagement in conflict prevention and mediation. Meressa Kahsu Dessu, Dawit Yohannes • 15 June 2021
Veranstaltungsbericht #LearningforPeace: The Future of Crisis Prevention and Peacebuilding After the German government published its implementation report on progress in the area of “Preventing Crises, Resolving Conflicts, Building Peace,” PeaceLab hosted three events on lessons learned and future priorities. Participants from the policy, civil society, and research communities discussed European crisis engagement, the climate-conflict nexus, and early action. PeaceLab editorial team • 22 June 2021
Artikel Crisis Early Warning: Berlin’s Path From Foresight to Prevention Combining crisis early warning and prevention could help Germany become a more strategic international actor. Regardless of whether Berlin reforms its national security architecture, the government should link forward-looking risk and resilience analyses with structures for meaningful political decision-making to fulfil its commitment towards preventive engagement. Sarah Bressan • 29 June 2021