Special Edition: Transitions from Peacekeeping to Peacebuilding | (2) What Is at Stake in the DRC? 31. August 2020 · PeacebyPeace This second of two special episodes of the PeacebyPeace podcast features part two of a PeaceLab podcast on challenges and opportunities for planning a transition from peacekeeping to peacebuilding. Debatten PeacebyPeace Ein Podcast zu Friedens- und Sicherheitspolitik PeacebyPeace · Special Edition: Transitions from Peacekeeping to Peacebuilding | Part 2 Listen to this PeaceLab Podcast on Soundcloud, iTunes, or Spotify. This episode and the previous episode of the PeacebyPeace podcast are special editions: They feature a two-part podcast that discusses challenges and opportunities for one particular challenge in stabilization and peacebuilding: The process of planning a transition from peacekeeping to peacebuilding. This second episode focuses on the potential transition of MONUSCO, the peacekeeping mission in the DRC. It features five experts: Ruphin Bo-Elongo, the director general of the DRC’s Social Fund; Passy Mubalama, who is the executive director of AIDPROFEN; Leila Zerrougui, the special representative of the Secretary-General in the DRC and head of MONUSCO; Jean-Marc Châtaigner, the European Union's Ambassador to the DRC; and Paul Bance, the social protection team leader for DRC at the World Bank. The podcast is hosted by Marie Wagner (Global Public Policy Institute). For more information on the two-part PeaceLab podcast on peacekeeping transitions, please check out www.peacelab.blog/transitions. Debatten PeacebyPeace Ein Podcast zu Friedens- und Sicherheitspolitik Vereinte Nationen Friedenseinsätze Democratic Republic of the Congo PeacebyPeace „PeacebyPeace“ ist ein Podcast zu Friedens- und Sicherheitspolitik, der der Frage nachgeht, wie wir in Deutschland und in Europa besser dazu beitragen können, Krisen zu verhindern und Frieden zu fördern. Der Podcast ist Teil des PeaceLab-Blogs, ein Projekt von GPPi, welches vom Auswärtigen Amt finanziell unterstützt wird. Moderation und Produktion: Sarah Brockmeier. Schnitt & Produktionsunterstützung für Staffel 3: Mathis Römer. Feedback zum Podcast gerne an peacebypeace@gppi.net.
Podcast Special Edition: Transitions from Peacekeeping to Peacebuilding | (1) Lessons Learned & the Importance of International Coordination This first of two special episodes of the PeacebyPeace podcast features part one of a PeaceLab podcast on challenges and opportunities for planning a transition from peacekeeping to peacebuilding. PeacebyPeace • 13. August 2020
Artikel Mission Impossible? Lessons from UN Peacekeeping in South Sudan The UN Mission in South Sudan faces daunting challenges, especially with regard to the protection of civilians. Despite its efforts, the mission cannot solve the conflict alone. Regional and international actors must step up and act more decisively. Germany can help by pushing for the immediate establishment of the planned hybrid court for atrocities. It can also encourage a frank debate about the limits of the protection of civilians and motivate other countries to increase humanitarian aid. Elisa D. Lux • 08 June 2017
Podcast PeacebyPeace Folge 7: Wie viel deutsches Engagement in UN-Friedensmissionen? Welchen Mehrwert bringen die Friedensmissionen der Vereinten Nationen und welchen Beitrag sollte Deutschland leisten? Lena Strauß, Forschungsassistentin an der Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP) in Berlin, fordert in dieser Folge von PeacebyPeace eine Strategie für die deutsche Beteiligung an UN-Friedensmissionen. PeacebyPeace • 01. August 2018